What is DNS? Rackfish DNS services

What is DNS?

DNS is the service that makes domains work on the internet.

Actually, all services (web pages, mail and the like) are based on IP addresses such as "", which is difficult to remember. Therefore, the DNS system translates @doman.se to the mail server located at, for example, "" and www.doman.se to "" as an example. Without a DNS server, a domain name becomes redundant (other than to protect it or for future needs).

Wikipedia has more information about DNS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System

DNS services from Rackfish

Managed DNS server

Managed DNS is the most user-friendly service because we do all the changes. This service includes all changes made to order by our technicians. Chat, email or call us and we will solve your DNS questions quickly and correctly! This service is sold per domain and is currently available for invoice customers. It is also possible to manage DNS settings yourself via https://portal.rackfish.net if desired.

DNS Anycast

A cheap service for up to ten domains that you buy and manage via our my.rackfish.com control panel. Here you get a good DNS service with 100% uptime, guaranteed. The high quality is guaranteed by the robust ANYcast DNS platform with nodes around the world to provide the fastest lookups wherever your visitors are. Easy to use technology at a very good price!

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